Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Body's Wisdom

Our bodies sometimes teach us lessons we can’t learn any other way.  I have learned to slow down, because in the last three months I developed an autoimmune disease that made it difficult to walk.  I have learned to ask for help, because I was not able to do simple tasks like carrying groceries upstairs.  I have learned to receive care, because for the last 10 days I have been hospitalized at Rush University Medical Center to get plasmapharesis treatments.  I have been blessed with visits, cards, prayers and phone calls every day from church members, family and friends.

The good news is that thanks to hundreds of prayers, great medical care, and the nurturing quilt of love I experience through First United Church, my body is healing.  I can once again walk without a cane, my energy, strength and balance have improved dramatically, and I will go home on Friday. I am grateful for all of this care, which allows me to continue to serve with my full capacity as your lead pastor.  I plan to be in worship this Sunday, Sept. 2, and will be back in the office next week.

 I will need your help in the weeks ahead.  If you would like to be part of Team Julie, formed by the deacons to offer helping hands and support, send me an email at You will be connected to a website where I will post updates on my health and list specific tasks for which I need assistance.  I also invite the community to pray with me from 9:00 to 9:10 am each Sunday in the chapel, beginning Sept. 2.  Your spiritual support is a sign of God’s grace. 

I am also grateful for our gifted church staff and lay leaders as we prepare for Gathering Day 9.9.12.  This year’s theme is Gather Together and Grow Together.  It’s a new beginning for a new church year, and education resumes at 9:30 am and worship at 11:00 am each week.  

9:30 am Sun., Sept. 9  

·       Church school students and families will gather in the sanctuary.

·       Everyone else will gather in the lounge, chapel and conference room to update your membership information, make sure we have your photo, and sign up for small groups, adult classes, mission and service opportunities.

·       Our adult education leaders will introduce new classes available this year.

11:00 am Worship - We welcome our sanctuary choir and guest preacher, Rev. Vertie Powers, Associate Conference Minister for the Chicago Metropolitan Association of Illinois Conference United Church of Christ.  Her sermon will be “Growth is Within Our Grasp.”

12:15 pm Fellowship – We will enjoy root beer floats on the patio.

The body of Christ that is this church will teach us lessons we couldn’t learn any other way . . . when we gather together and grow together.

In Christian love,

Julie R. Harley, lead pastor





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