Saturday, November 5, 2011

The answer to a hard day at the office

I love being a pastor, but I have to admit that even ministers have day days.

I had one of those bad days this week. There was too much going on, everyone needed something from me, a few things happened that were really disappointing, and I felt stressed all day long.

On my way home, I thought, I need a drink! Then I realized that wasn't it. I need to eat . . . a lot, I thought to myself. I began to picture all the leftover Halloween candy on the counter at home. Then I realized that wasn't it, either.

I know, I go see the latest George Clooney movie with my daughter, I thought. It's been on my list for awhile . . . but that wasn't it either.

So I came home and watched two episodes of "The Colbert Rerpot," and I felt better. And then I realized there was something else I still needed, deep down. I wanted to pray. I needed time with God.

So I did pray. And it was exactly what I needed.

I used to think prayer was something I did to calm down. Or to ask for help. But now I think of prayer as something I do to shed by constant preoccupation with myself. When I pray in a contemplative way, it allows me to set aside my egoistic preoccupation. Prayer allows me to focus on someone else for awhile.

And that's what I really need. Even on good days.

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